
To remember: A list of joy

Yes yes, I still have not said anything about Korea. I will get to that. Don't worry. But for now... Iowa Things I want to remember: Mom and Ricky visiting. The Two Year Old Birthday Bash with jumping castle and all. Ricky talking politics. Robert loving on his girls. Mom and Ricky's enormous generosity. The generosity of my past coworkers. (past...gosh that makes me sad). Food and Bev on Batista's porch. Jeff being called the most luke warm conservative Sam had ever seen. Jeff and Olde Main. (Wow. Port Barrel Pilsner) Batista's laugh. the carpool. The Iowa State Fair with Steven and Kim. Glorious sucker punch me in the gut food. Rain, oh how it rained. Running blind in the rain. Minneapolis with Adam and Kara. Dancing with people far too young in the same vicinity. Old Mexican man dancing up on Kara. Trivia Night. Kara's coworkers. Solidarity... always Stopping by to see Alison. Fruit salad. Alison's set up blind date. How she tells a story. How Kate feels around her. Goodbye to great grandma Our goodbye party with friends: The distance they traveled. Steve dropping his rap on Josh McCabe. Mikael on a motorcycle. Bonfire. Wedding Fireworks. Steve prepping the grill. Burgers. --sleep Goodbyes. Goodbyes. Goodbyes.

1 comment:

Steven E.A. said...

"Glorious sucker punch me in the gut food."

Love it!