
Memories of day one

One month down. A month in Korea and here are my day one thoughts: Anticipation builds as we descend upon Korea. Thoughts flood: What will our jobs be like? How about our apartment? Will we have community like we did in Ames? Will our lives continually be chapters like this, leaving and coming home, then leaving again, continually making new homes? Will we be lost here? How do we find a church? Woah look at all those lights. I wish we could have seen the sun set from up here. da daa da daa da daa it goes on and on. At times the anxiety turns into exhaustion till the mind goes blank. Let's grab our bags and go find someone holding up our name. I've always seen this but never experienced it. You know, you get off the plane and silent watchers hold a big piece of white paper with a name on it. It's cool to finally be in that club. We spot our names. ok. You're Kate's coworker. cool. mine? oh she can't make it. she has children back home she needs to get to. that's ok. What? we're the only foreign teacher in our school. huh? we'll probably be lonely because people are intimidated to talk english. really so our school is really poor and some students might not know the alphabet. I go from analyzing the scarlet letter to the alphabet. wow. will we ever fin our place? oh you want us to pay for the taxi? oh my what is that? yuck. mold. what have we gotten ourselves into.